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Commonly Used Trimmings And Accessories for Apparel Industry

April 18,2019.

Commonly Used Trims and Accessories in Clothing Industry

Trimmings and accessories: 

Fabrics are the main material of an apparel. Trimmings and accessories are another items to complete a garment. A garment without trims and accessories will be an usable garment. So those are very important for manufacturing process of garments. Many kinds of trimmings and accessories are used on garments to complete the design; some are part of the garments such as buttons, zippers, and interlining, while others are used for decorating and enhancing the product appearance, such as patches and laces.

List of trims used in garment industry: 

The materials which are attached with the body of garments by sewing are termed as trimmings. Trimmings are the ultimate materials that are attached with the garments while using by the end users. Trimmings are used as functional purposes.Sewing Thread, Button, Interlining, etc are trims.

A complete list of garment trims are give below: 

1. Button 

2. Label (S) 

3. Zipper 

4. Adjuster 

5. Buckle 

6. Cable (Steel ware) 

7. Collar stay 

8. Cord bell 

9. Down 

10. D-Ring 

11. Elastic 

12. Elastic threads 

13. Emblem 

14. Eyelet / Grommet 

15. Hook & Eye 

16. Interlining 

17. Logo print 

18. Padding 

19. Piping cord 

20. Recco 

21. Rivet 

22. Seam sealing tape 

23. Shoulder pad 

24. Shoulder tape 

24. Stopper 

25. String / Draw cord 

26. Swivel hook 

27. Sewing thread 

28. Twill Tape 

29. Velcro tape 

30. Weaving belt

List of accessories used in apparel industry: 

The materials which are not attached with the body of garments by sewing, only used for garments finishing and packing are termed as accessories. Accessories are the ultimate materials that are not attached with the garments while using by the end users. Accessories are used as decorative purposes. Carton, Gum Tape, Poly bag, etc. are example of accessories. 

A complete list of garment accessories are give below:

1. Hanger 

2. Poly bag 

3. Safety pin 

4. Neck board 

5. Arrow sticker 

6. Back board 

7. Ball chain 

8. Barcode sticker 

9. Both side tape 

10. Brass pin 

11. Butterfly 

12. Carton pad 

13. Carton sticker 

14. Clip 

15. Collar stand 

16. Defect indicator 

17. Elastic bag 

18. Gum tape 

19. Inner carton 

20. Iron seal 

21. Master carton 

22. Mini poly bag 

23. Numbering stickers 

24. P. P. band 

25. Plastic clip 

26. Plastic staple 

27. Safety sticker 

28. Scotch tape 

29. Size clip 

30. Size sticker 

31. Size tag 

32. Tag pin 

33. Tissue paper

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